
Army Men World War PS1

According to World War's packaging, Army Men 3D actually won an award. I don't buy it, but I'm pretty sure there are laws against direct lies on packaging, so someone, somewhere, bestowed some honor on AM3D. "So what's the damn point, Sam," I hear you ask. "You've spend a good quarter of this review bashing the hell out the Army Men franchise, and now you're making references to older crappy games!" Patience, my son. World War uses the same formula as AM3D (and presumably Sarge's Heroes, but I wasn't "gifted" with that review, and since I avoid these games like a vampire fears sunlight, I wouldn't know), thus the comparison.
Anywho, enough ranting. World War places you in the shoes ofSURPRISE, a soldier in the green army, out for tan plastic blood. Apparently peace talks between the green and tan armies have broken off and now it's war (again). Of course if they DID reach peace, there would be an end to the series and the world would sleep a little easier, much like what happens in Gotham when Batman locks away the Joker, but that's not going to happen. Thanks to the encroaching tan threats (looks like all those butt whuppins you gave the tans in the 50 other Army Men games did jack smack), every green man has been enlisted, and you're one of 'em. You'll guide your soldier through various missions, blasting everything in sight. Look, there's nothing new here -- story or gameplay-wise -- save for a few choice moments with a twin .50 machine gun, but more on that later.
The big problem with this game isn't -- in a first for a 3DO game -- the graphics. Nope, it's the control. While your little green man runs along at a pretty nice pace, the rate with which he turns is slow. As slow as that old lady who always ends up in front of you whenever you need to get somewhere quickly, and when you're getting popped by the enemy a mere 90¿ away, and you DIE because you couldn't turn. There's more I could say, but for the purposes of civility, the control is not good.
There are a few nicely selected weapons on hand that pump a little fun into the game. They range from a trusty bayonet to the AK-47 look- and sound-alike, to the simple grenades to mortar and rocket launchers, to a flame thrower to machine gun, to, well, you get the idea. If you're lucky, you'll also be able to take a queue from Medal of Honor and commandeer a twin .50 cal machine gun turret or Howitzer. I have to say that gunning down 10 or so men is a blast, especially with the DualShock feedback.
Also, the game is unbearably hard, even on easy. At first I thought it was just my overwhelming gag reflex that I got from even subjecting my PlayStation to one of these games. But the more I looked at the way my character took damage, and especially how he turned to face said damage, I just realized that it's needlessly tough. On average, I'd say I spent three or four tries for each level, but many required as many as 10. Now I'm not the world's greatest gamer, but I'm definitely good, and when I'm kicking the bucket this often on the easy setting, there's something seriously wrong here.
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