
Apocalypse PS1

The game is a 3D third-person shooter very much in the style of Robotron. The player's character is moved using the DualShock controller's left stick, and shooting is handled independently by pressing the right stick in a given direction. Alternatively, movement may be controlled through the Directional Pad and shooting performed by using the four symbol buttons on a typical Playstation controller, where the triangle button shoots forward, the X button shoots backward, and so on for the remaining two buttons. Unlike its 2D inspiration, it is possible to duck or jump, and a selection of different weapons are available.

The game's antagonist, a brilliant scientist named the Reverend, has created a powerful theocracy based on the idea of a rapidly approaching apocalypse. He uses his expertise to create four powerful "Horsemen of the Apocalypse", War, Plague, Beast and Death, in order to ensure this comes to pass. His former colleague, Trey Kincaid, is the only man with the know-how to stop the Reverend, but is locked up in jail.


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